anonytoons are a collection of 1,928 unique characters that were discovered and brought to life by amateur animator W. Niftey. Each NFT has a classic look, distinct voice, unique backstory and can be brought to life by its owner so it can create and communicate across popular apps!
our mission is to empower creators from around the world to own and operate their very own virtual characters. Owners can instantly bring their anonytoons to life by creating videos, voice notes, memes, and more!
the team behind anonytoons works in partnership with a number of technology companies to enable instant creative utility. We have purposely kept the collection straight forward with equal rarity, no Discord, and no roadmap. The value of your anonytoon will be derived by your own creativity and ambition so start creating!
voice conversion and dynamic animation are innovative technologies that bring your anonytoon to life. In contrast to voice changers and filters, our partners' voice to voice conversion engine is consistent and easier to create with, making it perfect for creating online personas